Behaviour Support at Neurobloom looks like:
This typically involves a range of sessions with your child, and family, as well as necessary community-based systems such as pre-school, primary school, or high school to scaffold new skills, and strategies while raising awareness to understand the function of behaviours and how to meet needs that are currently not being met.
Our practitioner is highly skilled and endorsed at Specialist level of expertise against the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission PBS Practitioner Capability suitability assessment.
Behaviour support is about creating individualised strategies for people with disability and where assessed, co-occurring developmental trauma. Behaviour support is responsive to the person’s needs, in a way that reduces the occurrence and impact of behaviours of concern and minimises the use of restrictive practices.
Under the NDIS Commission, behaviour support focuses on person-centred interventions to address the underlying causes of behaviours of concern or challenging behaviours, while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with disability who require specialist behaviour support.
Neurobloom’s Behaviour Support Practitioner and Developmental Trauma Therapist, supports the entire ecological system surrounding the child, adolescent, or young person – who have experienced developmental trauma, and or live with disability. Therefore, working with the person and those supporting them to promote positive behaviour change.
Effective behaviour support results in improvements in quality of life, acquisition of valued social emotional skills, and increased community and social inclusion.